Hey there, fabulous readers! It’s your love guru, Louisa Loveluck, and today we’re diving into the intriguing world of romance with a focus on the signs that an older man is falling in love with you.

Some signs that an older man is falling in love with you are that he will tell you, ask if you’re single, or wants to assist you.

There’s an older man who hits on most young women and doesn’t care about it.

One guy, though, has caught your eye. You may have gone on a few dates with him and feel that he is falling for you more deeply, but you want to be sure before you get too excited.

Here are 20 signs that an older man is falling in love with you, to help you figure it out.

20 Signs An Older Man Is Falling In Love With You

Dating older men is good because they don’t play games.

They’re more willing to commit than their younger counterparts, though I’m not saying that always happens.

He will tell you, inquires about your status as a single person, and wants to assist you are a few signs that an older man is falling in love with you.

Find out more about the signs an older man is interested by reading on.

1 He Will Tell You

Because they are not getting any younger, older men are more willing to commit to a relationship, as was already mentioned.

They might be seriously looking for a woman to settle down with because they’ve been married before and gotten a divorce.

An older man will let you know he’s falling in love with you instead of wasting time on games.

2 He Asks If You’re Single

Perhaps you haven’t started dating yet, you’re friends, but he’s started developing romantic feelings for you.

Before falling deeper, he wants to know whether you’re in a relationship. He’s not trying to get in between you and your partner and would rather know now so he can stop pursuing you. 

3 He Wants To Help You

Biologically, men are designed to want to help the women they love. Relationship psychologist James Bauer refers to this as the ‘hero instinct.’ 

When an older man falls in love with you, he will look for ways to help you, so don’t be surprised if he’s always asking if you need anything. 

He hopes that you’ll soon realize how useful he is and start asking him for help; it will make him feel valued and enable him to flex his masculine charms. 

4 He Talks About His Investments

Most men know that women like men who have money. In this case, I’m not just talking about the surface.

We all know that some women want a man with money so they can go shopping and buy the latest Louie Vuitton bag.

But a woman who is serious about starting a family with a man wants to know that he is financially stable enough to support them and their children.

Therefore, an older man will try to prove his worth by talking about what he owns, whether it’s his investments or the newest projects he’s working on.

He might even show you how much money he has.

5 He Buys You Gifts

According to marriage counselor Gary Chapman, there are five love languages, one of which is gift-giving. 

If gift-giving is his love language, it means he feels most loved when people give him gifts. So he feels more comfortable expressing himself by giving the women he loves gifts. 

He may not buy you expensive, glamorous gifts like cars and jewelry. But his gifts are thoughtful; for example, he knows you like cute pajamas, so if he goes past the nightwear store, he’ll pick you up something. 

Or if he goes out of town, he’ll buy you a piece of memorabilia. 

6 He’s Always Smiling Around You

If he’s smiling from ear to ear at you, it means he likes being around you and wants to get to know you better. Smiling can signify romantic attraction.

If your older guy friend can’t stop smiling when he’s around you, there’s a good chance he’s falling for you. Smiling comes naturally when you’re in the presence of someone you’re physically attracted to.

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Keep an eye out for the smile when he looks at you and stares. He wanted you to see how much he loves how beautiful you are, so he’s smiling.

7 He Compliments You

Your older guy friend gives you genuine compliments, and they’re not always about the way you look. 

He’ll say nice things about your dress sense or tell you how much of a beautiful heart you’ve got. 

He notices things about you that no one else does, like how you take care of your nieces and nephews as if they were your own children. He appreciates you for who you are and your outer beauty. 

8 He Talks About The Future With You

Older men think about the future a lot because they understand that life is short. If he’s in his fifties, he knows he’s already lived the majority of his life, and he’s not trying to waste any more time. 

He wants to spend his days with a beautiful young woman like yourself, and he has no problems telling you exactly how he plans on doing so. 

9 He Calls And Texts You Throughout The Day

Because they have reached retirement age or saved enough money to retire, older men typically have more time.

Consequently, he has more time to dedicate to your relationship; one way he does this is by calling and texting you all day.

He wants to make sure everything is okay with you, how your day is going, and if you have any needs.

10 He Wants to Know About Your Life

Because he genuinely wants to know more about you, he asks you lots of questions and listens carefully to each and every answer.

A man who is interested in you is looking for a way to connect with you on a deeper level.

To prove that he is paying attention to detail, he will bring up something you said about yourself during your previous conversation the next time he speaks to you.

He’s trying to take in everything you say because the more he knows about you, the better he can treat you.

11 He Wants To Spend More Time With You

Time is a precious commodity, and older men understand this more than guys your age. 

When you’re young, you think you’ve got all the time in the world, but you realize how little time you have left when you’re older. So they want to make the best use of it, and if he wants to spend more time with you, he thinks you’re worth it. 

One of the biggest complaints from women in relationships is their partners don’t spend time with them. They find the time to go to the bar with their friends, but getting him to make time for them is like pulling teeth. 

You don’t need to ask, beg, or manipulate your older guy friend to spend time with you; he continuously volunteers. 

12 He Talks To You About Things That Are Important To Him

When a man lets you in on important things, like his past relationships or subjects he’s really interested in, it’s a good sign.

You can tell that he trusts you to keep his secrets safe. The information won’t travel outside of the room where you had the conversation because he knows you’re not a gossip.

He also feels comfortable talking to you about things that are important to him. Because society has trained men to keep their emotions to themselves, men find it difficult to open up.

That’s why they don’t talk about their issues. You’re in a great place if a man feels comfortable telling you his emotions.

13 He Introduces You To His Children

If your older guy friend has kids and wants to take your relationship to the next level, he’ll want you to meet them. They may even be close to your age. 

But one of the main reasons he’s introducing you to them is because his children are the most important part of his life, and he wants you to be a part of it. 

Additionally, he might be the kind of older guy who would rather date a woman his children love instead of creating conflict between them with someone they don’t like. So sometimes, meeting his kids can be a test. 

14 He Doesn’t Care What Anyone Else Thinks

Many people are against men who date younger women. Some people see them as desperate old men who have to pay to get the women they want.

People call younger women who date older men “gold diggers.” Labels and stereotypes don’t just appear; this happens from time to time, but not always.

There are many older men and younger women who are in real relationships.

Your older male friend isn’t trying to hide the fact that he’s in a relationship; he tells all of his friends and family about it and doesn’t care what other people say about it.

15 He Wants More Than Sex

After sex, he doesn’t put on his clothes and leave or ask you to leave. He stays in bed with you, hugs you, and tells you how much he cares about you. 

In fact, you spend most of your time outside the bedroom. He takes you on romantic dinner dates; you take walks in the park or watch a movie. When you’re not together, you talk on the phone for hours. 

A good sex life is important to him, but capturing your heart is even more important. 

16 He Tries Out New Things With You

The majority of older people don’t want to try new things because they’re stuck in their ways.

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But you’ve instilled in him a sense of adventure, and now every time you suggest doing something new, he gets excited.

Being adventurous also reminds him of his younger years, when he and his boys were adventurous.

17 He Is Protective Over You

Another element of the hero instinct is that men have an innate desire to protect the women they love. 

For example, he’ll never allow you to walk on the side of the street closest to the cars because he wants to ensure if a car does jump the curb, he gets hit first. 

If you’re showing signs of being cold, he’ll take his jacket off and wrap it around you. If you need to go to the doctor, he’ll drive you there, wait with you and drive you back. 

He may not be the type of guy that will swing at someone on your behalf, but if you think about it, he protects you in more ways than you can count. 

18 He’s Not Afraid To Express His Emotions

One of the main reasons relationships break down is because of a lack of communication. 

Men often learn a lot from their mistakes in their first marriage, especially if they’re still friends with their ex-wives. 

After the animosity wears off, they are free to talk about why the relationship broke down, and one of his flaws was that he didn’t express his emotions, and his ex-wife was always forced to guess how he was feeling. 

It is known that men and women express their emotions differently, but he has consciously decided to ensure history doesn’t repeat itself. So with you, he’s an open book. 

19 He’s Willing To Compromise

Older men are typically stuck in their ways, as was previously mentioned. They frequently say, “Well, this is just how I am.”

No matter who you are, they have no desire to change the way they do things. If an older man is willing to compromise, it means he wants to work out his differences with you so he can live with you.

He agrees to find that balance and close the gap so that you don’t feel like he’s not meeting your needs. He will still have his personal beliefs, preferences, and opinions. 

20 He Changes His Dress Sense

Insecure about their age, older men tend to feel. They won’t go as far as lying about it, but they will try to look younger by dressing in certain ways.

He could dye it back to its original color if it turns gray. If he’s going bald, he might shave his head clean.

Older men also get a fancier, more expensive car to impress women.

What Makes An Older Man Fall In Love With A Younger Woman?

There are several reasons why an older man might fall in love with a younger woman, including he finds her attractive, younger women are less concerned with settling down, or he’s looking for someone to control. 

Keep reading to discover the five reasons that make an older man fall in love with a younger woman.

1 He Finds Her Attractive

The most important aspect of a relationship for some men is physical appearance. It’s also sad that they no longer find attractive women their own age.

To figure that out, you only need to look at what’s going on in Hollywood. A picture of an older, rich, and famous man with a model half his age hanging off his arm is shown every week. Not only are the rich and famous excluded from this phenomenon.

Women are most desirable at age 18 and men are most desirable at age 50, according to a study that was published in the journal Science Advances.

The dating site OkCupid did another study that found that the average 30-year-old man wants women in their 20s more than women his own age.

2 Younger Women Are Less Concerned With Settling Down

I am not suggesting that all younger women are less concerned with settling down. 

But some would rather invest most of their time and energy in building a career or traveling. A relationship is at the bottom of their list of priorities. 

This is an ideal set-up for an older man who has no interest in getting married again and has his stuff. He gets to have a beautiful woman on his arm without her stressing him out because her clock is ticking. 

3 He’s Looking For Someone To Control 

Some men like women they can control. There’s nothing sinister about it, this type of relationship is actually a thing where there is an agreement of domination and submission between two parties. 

Nevertheless, in some instances, the older man feels it’s easier to find this relationship with a younger woman because it fits the narrative. 

He doesn’t feel as if he can dominate a woman in the same age range as him. 

4 He Wants More Children

But medicine has come a long way, and now older women can do things like freeze their eggs and get IVF treatment. Having children is indeed a lot harder for older women.

I’m not throwing any shade; I’m just talking about biology. As a woman gets closer to 40, having children becomes more dangerous for her.

It’s also more likely that the child will have a disability. According to research, men are biologically wired to find younger women attractive because it means they’ll have healthy children in the long term.

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It’s also less likely for younger women to have kids, which is great for older men who don’t want to be stepfathers.

5 He’s Just Been Through A Divorce

Divorces are brutal, and they can severely bruise a man’s ego. A man spends months hearing that he’s a loser while all the reasons his ex-wife wants a divorce are read out in court. 

He may act tough during the proceedings because he doesn’t want to reveal his true feelings, but it’s tearing him apart.

According to his ex-wife, he’s a deadbeat dad who doesn’t take care of his children. 

He doesn’t know how to fix anything around the house; he’s irresponsible with money, the list is endless.

But then he meets a woman half his age who loves everything about him and strokes his ego. 

After the insults to his character he’s just endured, an attractive young woman telling him how great he is is exactly what he needs. 

As long as she continues to stroke his ego, he’s not going anywhere; he’ll fall deeper and deeper in love with her because she makes him feel like a man again. 

How Do You Make An Older Guy Fall For You?

1 Be Physically Appealing

Finding attractive women appealing is not a secret. When you know you’ll be seeing a certain older guy, make sure you always look hot.

For general older men, make sure you look hot every time you leave the house.

If you want the “wow factor,” every man in the room should turn their head and say “wow” when you walk in.

If you want an older man to fall for you, you’ll need to do more than just look good. Your physical appearance is the hook.

2 Act Mature

Please consider that, in general, older men are a lot more mature than you.

They’ve experienced life in a way that you haven’t, and their level of maturity is way up there.

I’m not saying you should match it, but if you’re eighteen, don’t act your age; he won’t find it attractive. You can start by listening more than you speak.

In terms of intellect and wisdom, he probably has much more to teach you than you could teach him. 

Listening is a sign of maturity because it shows you desire to grow. Acting mature is not about changing who you are, but you want to ensure you’re compatible.

If you want to go out, get drunk and act the fool, you’ve got your girlfriends. Just make sure you don’t bombard him with drunken text messages afterward. 

3 Have Control Over Your Emotions

Especially not an older man, no man wants a screaming banshee as a partner, no matter how hot she is.

Because they’ve had more life experience, older men tend to be more reserved.

They have been through hard times and may have even been through a messy divorce.

An older man doesn’t want to be around trouble, either way.

Some people find that staying quiet until the feeling goes away helps them get control of their emotions.

Say, if he does something in public that makes you mad, don’t yell the first thing that comes to mind, because you’ll probably wish you hadn’t.

Instead, wait to say anything until your anger has subsided, then speak to him in a measured and calm manner.

You may need to wait until you get home, but don’t raise your voice when you speak to him.

4 Be Independent

Anybody who knows about the relationship between a sugar baby and a sugar daddy can be happy with it.

However, the average older man wants to be with a woman who can take care of herself. A stable job, a place to live where you pay your bills, and a car make you feel grounded.

It will reassure him that you’re not after his money, and he’ll also view you as mature and someone he’d consider settling down with.

5 Don’t Play Games

Game playing is a no-no with older men; they don’t have the time and energy to play silly buggers. 

Don’t do ridiculous things like try and make him jealous to get his attention, and don’t use manipulation to get him to do what you want. 

You’ll be surprised that some older men hesitate to settle down with younger women because they have a reputation for playing games.

Be direct and confident if you’re physically attracted to an older man. Trust me, he’ll appreciate it.

6 Give Him Respect

Men need respect more than love, and they’ll run a mile if they feel disrespected.

Besides the Tina Turner song R-E-S-P-E-C-T, most of us think of bowing down to the Queen of England or another authoritative figure when we think of respecting someone.

It’s not often linked to how women treat men. But in a study for her book “For Women Only,” Shaunti Feldhahn found that 74% of the men who answered would rather feel unloved than disrespected.

For men, a partner who respects them means she believes in them, trusts them, and backs them up.

As a provider, father, or husband, she believes he is more than capable of doing these things.

By respecting his judgment, you can show an older man respect. For example, don’t ask him if he’s sure if he says a restaurant has great food.

He is capable of making his own decisions, so don’t treat him like a child. Don’t protest when he gives you help after you’ve asked for it.

7 Act Confident

Men love attractive women, and confidence makes them look good.

One of the most attractive qualities in a woman is her confidence. Sure of themselves, women know what they want in life.

People like this embrace the fullness of life and have a strong desire to live every moment to the fullest.

It’s not arrogance that makes a woman confident; it’s security that makes her know who she is and not being afraid to be herself.

They know what their weaknesses are and work to improve them. They are proud of their strengths.

Finally, confident women are too busy pursuing their dreams and passions to sit around waiting for their knight in shining armor to arrive.

A confident woman is already ready; she doesn’t need a man to complete her. Most women need a man to complete them.

She wants him, which is very attractive to a man, if she finds the right one.

8 Don’t Mention Your Age Difference

An older man doesn’t need to be reminded that he’s older than you. Not only is he more than aware of this fact, but it can also come across as mockery. 

If he meets your friends, make sure they don’t do this either. You might clash in certain areas because of the age difference. 

For example, music, hobbies, and movies he likes to watch. Nevertheless, use these differences as an opportunity to highlight your age gap. Embrace the differences; you’ll both learn new things from each other. 

By Louisa Loveluck

Hey there! I'm Louisa Loveluck, your trusted relationship advisor with over 7 years of experience. You might've caught my insights on relationships and more in Huffington Post UK. Thousands have already found guidance in my articles. Dive in for a transformative journey in understanding and navigating the complexities of relationships.