Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to respond to the common greeting “What’s up?” In this article, we will provide you with 52 best responses that will help you engage in interesting conversations and showcase your creativity.

Whether you’re meeting new people, catching up with friends, or engaging in casual conversations, these responses will ensure that you never run out of things to say.

From friendly and simple replies to witty and humorous comebacks, we have it all covered. We will also share creative and thoughtful answers that will impress your conversation partner.

Additionally, you’ll find tips on asking engaging follow-up questions, sharing personal updates, and discussing common interests.

But it’s not just about what you say, it’s also about how you listen. We will delve into the importance of active listening and responding empathetically.

Furthermore, we will explore non-verbal responses and ways to express sincere appreciation and gratitude when someone asks “What’s up?”

By the end of this article, you’ll have a range of responses at your fingertips, allowing you to confidently navigate any conversation where the question “What’s up?” arises. So, let’s get started and discover the best ways to reply to this common greeting.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn 52 best responses to the question “What’s up?”
  • Master friendly, witty, creative, and thoughtful replies
  • Engage in meaningful conversations by asking follow-up questions
  • Share personal updates and discuss common interests
  • Practice active listening and respond empathetically

Understanding the Social Cue

Before diving into the best responses, it is important to understand the social cue behind the greeting “What’s up?” This simple question is commonly used in casual conversations as a way to acknowledge someone’s presence and initiate a friendly exchange.

What to say when someone says what’s up: When someone asks you “What’s up?”, they are expressing interest in knowing how you are doing and what you have been up to. It’s an opportunity to share updates, connect on a personal level, and keep the conversation going.


Person A: “Hey, what’s up?”

Person B: “Not much, just enjoying the beautiful weather. How about you?”

Person A: “I’ve been busy with work lately, but looking forward to the weekend.”

By understanding the social cue behind “What’s up?”, you can respond in a meaningful way, showing genuine interest and fostering a positive connection with the other person.

Friendly and Simple Responses

When someone asks you “What’s up?” in a casual conversation, it’s important to respond with friendly and simple answers that create a positive and engaging atmosphere. Here are some easy-going responses you can use in everyday encounters:

“Not much, just enjoying the day. How about you?”

“Hey! Just taking it easy. How about yourself?”

“Nothing too exciting, but all is good. How are things on your end?”

“Just going with the flow. How about you? Anything interesting happening?”

“Not a lot, just hanging out. How about you? Any plans for the day?”

“Just chilling, enjoying the moment. How about yourself? What’s new?”

Remember, these responses are simple yet friendly, allowing you to initiate and maintain a conversation effortlessly. Use them as a starting point, and feel free to add your own personal touch to make them even more authentic and engaging.

Response Example
“Not much, just enjoying the day. How about you?” Friend A: “Hey! What’s up?”
You: “Not much, just enjoying the day. How about you?”
“Hey! Just taking it easy. How about yourself?” Friend A: “What’s up?”
You: “Hey! Just taking it easy. How about yourself?”
“Nothing too exciting, but all is good. How are things on your end?” Friend A: “What’s up?”
You: “Nothing too exciting, but all is good. How are things on your end?”
“Just going with the flow. How about you? Anything interesting happening?” Friend A: “What’s up?”
You: “Just going with the flow. How about you? Anything interesting happening?”
“Just chilling, enjoying the moment. How about yourself? What’s new?” Friend A: “Hey! What’s up?”
You: “Just chilling, enjoying the moment. How about yourself? What’s new?”

Witty and Humorous Replies

If you want to inject some laughter and wit into your conversations, this section is tailor-made for you. Here, we present a collection of witty responses that will surely bring a smile to the other person’s face and keep the conversation engaging.

1. The Classic One-Liners:

• “Not much, just avoiding Mondays like the plague!”

• “Living the dream, one nap at a time!”

• “Just surfing the waves of sarcasm!”

2. Puns Galore:

• “Just hanging out, but not by a thread!”

• “Not much, just trying to be pun-derful!”

• “Pretending to be an adult, but it’s knot working!”

3. Pop Culture References:

• “Channeling my inner Chandler Bing, could I BE having more fun?”

• “Like a superhero, saving the world one witty response at a time!”

• “Living in my own sitcom, complete with laugh track!”

4. Unexpected Answers:

• “Guess what? I just won the lottery! In my dreams, but still…”

• “Well, I’ve been training for the new Olympic sport of marathon Netflix watching!”

• “You won’t believe it, but I recently became the official spokesperson for ice cream!”

Remember, humor is subjective, so make sure to gauge the other person’s response and adjust your witty and humorous replies accordingly. Let the laughter flow and enjoy the lively conversations!

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Creative and Thoughtful Answers

Sometimes, it’s nice to think outside the box and provide creative and thoughtful answers to the question “What’s up?” In this section, we will share unique and imaginative responses that will impress and captivate your conversation partner.

“Life is like an ever-changing kaleidoscope, and right now, it’s full of vibrant colors and exciting adventures. How about you?”

When someone asks “What’s up?” it’s an opportunity to showcase your creative side and spark interesting conversations. Here are some creative replies you can use:

Burst of Imagination

  • “I am currently channeling my inner Picasso, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary masterpieces. How about you? Any creative endeavors in the works?”
  • “I’m on a quest to discover the mysteries of the universe, one thought-provoking question at a time. Care to join me on this cosmic adventure?”
  • “My mind is a canvas, and I’m painting it with dreams and aspirations. How about you? What colors are you adding to your life’s masterpiece?”

Quirky and Playful

  • “I’m in a perpetual game of hide and seek with my responsibilities, but don’t worry, I always find them eventually. How about you? Any games you’re playing?”
  • “I’m busy concocting a secret recipe for happiness. Want a sneak peek into my magical ingredients? It involves laughter, good company, and endless possibilities.”
  • “I’m currently surfing the waves of serendipity, riding the highs and lows of life’s adventures. Are you catching any waves of excitement lately?”

These creative responses will not only show your imaginative side but also encourage meaningful conversations that go beyond the usual small talk. Remember, the key is to be authentic and have fun with your answers!

Engaging Follow-Up Questions

After responding to the initial “What’s up?” greeting, asking follow-up questions is a great way to show interest and keep the conversation flowing. It allows you to delve deeper into the other person’s interests and experiences. Here are some engaging follow-up questions you can use:

  1. What have you been up to recently that you’re excited about?
  2. Any interesting projects or hobbies you’ve been working on lately?
  3. Are there any upcoming events or activities you’re looking forward to?
  4. Have you discovered any new books, movies, or TV shows that you recommend?
  5. What’s the best thing that happened to you today/this week?
  6. Is there any new skill or hobby you’ve been wanting to try?
  7. Do you have any exciting travel plans in the near future?

These questions are designed to spark meaningful conversations and allow the other person to share their experiences, passions, and interests. Remember to actively listen to their responses and show genuine curiosity. Let’s explore the other person’s world through engaging follow-up questions!

Personal Updates

When someone asks “What’s up?”, it’s the perfect opportunity to share personal updates and make the conversation more meaningful. By providing information about what’s been happening in your life, you can create a deeper connection with the other person. Here are some ways to share personal updates when replying to “What’s up?” and make the conversation more personal and engaging:

  1. Talk about recent achievements: Whether it’s a promotion at work, completing a personal project, or reaching a personal milestone, sharing your recent achievements can demonstrate your growth and success. It also provides the other person with insight into your life and gives them a reason to celebrate with you.
  2. Discuss upcoming plans: Share your exciting plans for the future, such as a vacation, attending an event, or trying a new hobby. Not only does this give the other person an idea of what you’re looking forward to, but it also provides an opportunity for them to share their own plans and create a sense of anticipation together.
  3. Talk about new experiences: Whether you’ve recently tried a new restaurant, visited a new place, or started learning a new skill, sharing your new experiences can be a great conversation starter. It shows that you are open to exploring and trying new things, and it gives the other person a chance to share their own experiences and recommendations.
  4. Discuss personal interests: Share your passion for a specific hobby, sport, or activity. Talking about your personal interests not only allows the other person to learn more about you but it also opens up the conversation for them to share their own interests. This common ground can create a stronger connection between you.

Remember, when sharing personal updates, it’s important to strike a balance between sharing enough information to keep the conversation interesting, without overwhelming the other person with too many details. Gauge the level of familiarity and comfort with the person you’re talking to, and adjust the depth and breadth of your personal updates accordingly.

“Sharing personal updates when replying to ‘What’s up?’ can make the conversation more personal and engaging, giving you the opportunity to create a deeper connection with the other person.”

Benefits of sharing personal updates Examples
Establishing a deeper connection Talking about recent achievements
Showing growth and success Discussing upcoming plans
Creating a sense of anticipation Talking about new experiences
Finding common interests Discussing personal interests

Common Interests and Shared Hobbies

When someone asks “What’s up?”, one of the best ways to foster a connection is by discovering common interests and shared hobbies. By finding common ground, you can build rapport and create meaningful conversations. So, how do you go about identifying and discussing these common interests?

Step 1: Listen actively

Pay attention to the person’s hobbies, passions, and activities they frequently discuss. Whether it’s their love for cooking, hiking, or playing an instrument, take note of these interests as they provide a starting point for further conversation.

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Step 2: Share personal experiences

Once you’ve identified a shared interest, don’t hesitate to share your experiences related to that hobby or activity. This allows the conversation to flow naturally and helps establish a connection based on shared experiences.

Step 3: Ask open-ended questions

Engage the person in a deeper discussion by asking open-ended questions about their interests. For example, if you both enjoy photography, you could ask about their favorite subjects to photograph or their most memorable photography outing.

Step 4: Offer recommendations

If you come across an interest that you haven’t personally explored, ask for recommendations or advice. People love sharing their knowledge, and by seeking recommendations, you not only show genuine interest but also open up opportunities for further conversation.

Remember, the key to discussing common interests is to actively listen, share personal experiences, ask open-ended questions, and be open to learning from others. By doing so, you’ll create a bond that goes beyond a simple exchange of greetings.

Your common interest: Potential discussion points:
Hiking Favorite hiking trails, tips for beginners, memorable hiking experiences
Cooking Favorite recipes, cooking techniques, new ingredients to try
Reading Favorite books, book recommendations, book club experiences
Gardening Favorite plants, tips for maintaining a garden, gardening challenges

By exploring common interests and shared hobbies, you can turn a simple “What’s up?” into a meaningful conversation that fosters a genuine connection.

Genuine and Authentic Responses

When it comes to responding to the question “What’s up?”, authenticity is key. People appreciate genuine responses that reflect your true self and foster a deeper connection. In this section, we will provide you with a variety of authentic responses to make your conversations more engaging and meaningful.

“I’m just enjoying some much-needed downtime after a busy day at work.”

“I’m feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness about an upcoming project I’m working on.”

“I’m in the middle of planning a road trip with my friends. Can’t wait to hit the open road!”

By sharing genuine responses, you open the door for deeper conversation and allow the other person to get to know you on a more personal level. It also shows that you value authenticity and meaningful connections.

Responding to Different Contexts

The context in which someone asks “What’s up?” can vary greatly, and it’s important to tailor your response accordingly. In this section, we will provide you with tips on how to respond to the question in different contexts, whether you’re in a professional setting or talking to close friends.

Social Settings

When interacting in social settings, such as parties or casual gatherings, it’s best to keep your responses light and friendly. Consider using humor or sharing an interesting anecdote to spark conversations. Keep the atmosphere relaxed and enjoyable.

Example Response: “Not much, just here enjoying good company and good vibes. How about you?”

Professional Environments

Responding to “What’s up?” in a professional environment requires a level of professionalism and restraint. Remember to maintain a respectful tone and focus on work-related topics. Keep your response concise and avoid divulging personal information.

Example Response: “I’m currently working on a project, and it’s going well. How about you? Any exciting projects on your plate?”

With Close Friends

Responding to “What’s up?” when talking to close friends allows for a more casual and intimate exchange. Feel free to share personal updates and talk about shared interests. Use this opportunity to deepen your connection and express genuine interest in their lives.

Example Response: “Hey! Not much, just binge-watching my favorite show. How about you? Anything fun happening lately?”

In Online Chats

Online chats provide a platform for quick and informal conversations. Emojis and abbreviations can be used to convey tone and keep the conversation light. Tailor your responses based on the platform you’re using, whether it’s a social media app or a messaging platform.

Example Response: “Hey! Just here scrolling through memes. What’s up with you? 😄”

Context Response
Social Settings “Not much, just here enjoying good company and good vibes. How about you?”
Professional Environments “I’m currently working on a project, and it’s going well. How about you? Any exciting projects on your plate?”
With Close Friends “Hey! Not much, just binge-watching my favorite show. How about you? Anything fun happening lately?”
In Online Chats “Hey! Just here scrolling through memes. What’s up with you? 😄”

Active Listening and Empathetic Responses

Active listening and empathy are crucial aspects of effective communication. When someone asks “What’s up?”, it is an opportunity to demonstrate these skills and foster a deeper connection. By actively listening to the person’s response and responding empathetically, you can create a meaningful and engaging conversation. Here are some tips to help you practice active listening and respond with empathy:

1. Give your full attention

When someone asks “What’s up?”, ensure that you give them your undivided attention. Maintain eye contact, nod your head, and show genuine interest in what they are saying. Avoid distractions and actively focus on the conversation at hand.

2. Reflect and validate their emotions

Responding empathetically involves acknowledging and validating the emotions expressed by the other person. If they share something positive, respond with enthusiasm and congratulate them. If they express concern or sadness, offer words of comfort and support. By reflecting their emotions, you show that you genuinely care.

3. Ask open-ended questions

To encourage further conversation and demonstrate your interest, ask open-ended questions that allow the person to elaborate. For example, if they mention a recent achievement, you can ask them how they accomplished it or what challenges they faced along the way. Open-ended questions prompt thoughtful responses and show that you are actively engaged in the conversation.

4. Practice active listening

Actively listen when the person responds to your question of “What’s up?”. This means not only hearing their words but also paying attention to their body language, tone of voice, and any underlying emotions. Show that you are listening by paraphrasing or summarizing what they said. This lets them know that you are fully present in the conversation.

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5. Show empathy through your response

When replying to their answer, respond with empathy and understanding. Use phrases such as “I can imagine that must have been tough” or “I’m here for you if you need someone to talk to.” Showing empathy creates a safe space for open and honest communication.

By practicing active listening and responding empathetically, you can elevate your conversations when someone asks “What’s up?”. These skills build trust and rapport, allowing for more meaningful connections with others.

Table: The Power of Active Listening and Empathy

Benefits Examples
Improved understanding By actively listening, you gain a deeper understanding of the other person’s thoughts and emotions.
Strengthened relationships Responding with empathy shows that you value and care about the other person, strengthening your bond.
Enhanced problem-solving Active listening and empathy create a supportive environment where issues can be addressed and resolved effectively.
Conflict resolution By empathetically understanding different perspectives, conflicts can be resolved with greater ease and understanding.

Non-Verbal Responses

Sometimes, words are not the only way to respond to the question “What’s up?” Non-verbal replies can be just as effective in communicating your message. In this section, we will explore various non-verbal ways to respond to “What’s up?” and engage in meaningful conversations.

Body Language

Your body language speaks volumes and can convey different emotions and messages. Use the power of non-verbal communication to respond to “What’s up?” with:

  • Smiles – A genuine smile can indicate friendliness and approachability.
  • Eye contact – Maintaining eye contact shows interest and active participation in the conversation.
  • Nods – Nodding your head can demonstrate understanding and agreement.
  • Gestures – Simple hand gestures can add emphasis and enhance the meaning of your response.

Facial Expressions

Your facial expressions play a crucial role in non-verbal communication. Use the following facial expressions to respond to “What’s up?” with:

  • Smile and raised eyebrows – This expression conveys curiosity and enthusiasm.
  • Slightly furrowed eyebrows – It can indicate concern or deep thought.
  • Soft smile – A gentle smile can express contentment and a positive mood.
  • Raised chin – Lifting your chin slightly can suggest confidence and attentiveness.


Non-verbal responses can also involve actions that demonstrate your interest and engagement. Consider using the following actions to respond to “What’s up?”:

  • Give a hug or handshake – Physical contact can convey warmth and friendliness.
  • Offer a high-five – A playful high-five can express excitement and create a lighthearted atmosphere.
  • Share a meaningful gesture – Use a gesture that has a personal significance to show understanding and connection.

“Sometimes, a smile is worth a thousand words.”

Remember, non-verbal responses can enhance the impact of your communication and make your interactions more memorable. Experiment with different non-verbal cues to create engaging and meaningful conversations.

Sincere Appreciation and Gratitude

When someone asks “What’s up?”, responding with sincere appreciation and gratitude can help you build stronger connections and show genuine interest in the other person. Here are a few ways to express gratitude in your response:

  1. Thank you for asking: Show your gratitude directly by thanking the person for their inquiry. This simple phrase conveys appreciation while also acknowledging their effort to engage in conversation.
  2. I’m grateful for: Share something specific that you are grateful for in your life. Whether it’s a recent accomplishment, a supportive friend, or a pleasant experience, expressing gratitude adds a positive and uplifting element to the conversation.
  3. I appreciate your concern: If the person asking “What’s up?” seems genuinely interested in your well-being or current situation, let them know that you appreciate their concern. This response shows that you value their consideration and reinforces the bond between you.

By incorporating expressions of gratitude into your response, you not only answer the question but also create a more meaningful and positive interaction. Letting someone know that you are grateful for their inquiry can set the tone for a deeper and more fulfilling conversation.


By following our comprehensive guide on how to respond to the greeting “What’s up?,” you can confidently engage in conversations with various engaging and creative responses. Whether you choose friendly and simple replies, witty and humorous ones, or even creative and thoughtful answers, you’ll be able to keep the conversation interesting and showcase your personality.

Remember to adapt your replies based on the context and your relationship with the person you’re talking to. Different situations may call for different approaches, such as sharing personal updates, discussing common interests, or responding empathetically. Active listening and non-verbal cues also play important roles in effective communication.

Expressing sincere appreciation and gratitude when someone asks “What’s up?” is always a positive response. It helps foster meaningful connections and shows that you value the conversation. So, don’t hesitate to express your genuine gratitude when appropriate.

In conclusion, with our guide in hand, you’re equipped with the knowledge to respond confidently and tactfully to the greeting “What’s up?” in a way that fosters engaging conversations and leaves a lasting impression. Use your creativity, adapt to the situation, and enjoy the opportunity to connect with others.


Q. How do I reply to “What’s up?”

There are many ways to respond to this common greeting. You can say something like “Not much, just chilling” or “Just another day in paradise”. It all depends on your personal style and the impression you want to make.

Q. What are the best responses to “What’s up?”

The best responses are the ones that show your personality and engage the other person in conversation. Some examples include “Living the dream, one day at a time” or “Oh, you know, just trying to take over the world. How about you?”. Get creative and have fun with your replies!

Q. What should I say when someone says “What’s up?”

You can keep it simple and reply with “Hey, not much, how about you?” or “Just hanging out, you?”. This allows the other person to share what’s on their mind and continue the conversation.

Q. How can I come up with witty responses to “What’s up?”

Wit and humor can make your reply stand out. You can say something like “The sky’s up, but that’s not as interesting as you” or “If I told you, I’d have to make you my co-conspirator”. Let your creativity flow and don’t be afraid to be bold.

Q. Are there any creative replies to “What’s up?”

Absolutely! You can respond with something unexpected like “Just discovering the meaning of life, want to join?” or “Exploring new dimensions, care to join the adventure?”. These creative replies will surely grab the other person’s attention.

By Louisa Loveluck

Hey there! I'm Louisa Loveluck, your trusted relationship advisor with over 7 years of experience. You might've caught my insights on relationships and more in Huffington Post UK. Thousands have already found guidance in my articles. Dive in for a transformative journey in understanding and navigating the complexities of relationships.